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Welcome to the Diabetic Outdoors

We all know there is so much out there to explore but adventuring whilst keeping blood sugars in check can often feel like an unrelenting battle.


For most of us with diabetes, starting anything new can involve a huge amount of trial and error whilst we try to work out how best to handle our blood sugars. As a result, this risks a reduction in enjoyment and an impact on future participation.


Here at the Diabetic Outdoors we aim to help make that process easier by putting everything we have learnt in one place. We hope that other diabetics can learn from our mistakes and access everything we have learnt along the way, so that THEIR Diabetic Outdoors delivers the best possible experience.


Important notice:


This website and the information within it is based on the author's, and contributors', experiences. The author is not, nor do they purport to be, a medical or healthcare professional. The site content is provided for informational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If in doubt about any treatment decisions, please speak to a diabetic healthcare professional.


Image by Krisjanis Mezulis
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